Printed Paper Piano Wirelessly Draws Power From a Smartphone
- Deanne Drexler
- December 10, 2021
- draws
- Paper
- Piano
- Power
- Printed
- smartphone
- Wirelessly
How will we interact with devices in the future? Some believe we’ll use our voices for everything, while others assume our eyes will be able to navigate complicated UIs on smart glasses. Prelonic Technologies foresees an entirely different future where interacting with electronics will be done using keyboards and other controllers made from paper that […]
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In Hong Kong, a mandatory smartphone app draws pushback and mockery.
- Deanne Drexler
- November 15, 2021
- app
- draws
- Hong
- Kong
- mandatory
- mockery
- pushback
- smartphone
Hong Kong’s latest “zero Covid” policy — a mandatory smartphone tracking app — is prompting online mockery and pushback. One mother complained that her 2-year-old had been turned away from a sports center for failing to produce a smartphone with the app. A 63-year-old man said that the only public facility he could visit was […]
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